Sunday, May 01, 2011

Sit Down Sunday -- Fires

Chico Hills ..
Yesterday I was hauling booty over the hill to my house and got “picked up” as Gaga would say by the state police.  Luckily I was given a written warning and continued on my way, at a much more sedate pace.  I rounded the corner and saw that Pop – my dad’s dad—was sitting in his truck under “the tree.” I pulled over hiked through the bar ditch in my flip flops, hopped the irrigation ditch (in my flip flops) and was about to climb through the fence when Bear –50 lb Austrailian Shepard cross—gave me a flat tire.  I went flying sans flip flop and popped him in the chin with my heel in the process.  He promptly parks it on my errant flop while I hop around on my remaining flip trying to get him to move! Well finally get the flop back on and rip my favorite pair of Bermuda shorts while I’m climbing through the fence! And through all of this, Pop is still sound asleep (windows down) in the pickup.  SO at this point I’m no longer mad.. I’m steaming mad! I was mad to start with – hence the speeding so it was time to have an emotional explosion with Pop.. and I did and I felt better.  Then we started talking about some things that Mr. P had told me about the Clovis fire and all the fence his family was having to rebuild and my concern of grass coming back after a fire as hot as the Clovis fire which led to Pop telling me one of his infamous stories. So here is a story of Pop.. back in the days of Abbott, Farley, and Chico Hills..
“I remember one time there was a fire that ran from Abbott to Chico hills, and back then we couldn’t really fight the fires we just had to let them burn so if your house was in the way it just went.  This fire was almost 4 miles wide and it took everything in its path.  But the grass came back.. it always comes back. 
So ending with that part of Pop’s story (which continued on and ended up about drinking whisky in “Looze-anna” ) I am going take on my week remembering that even though I may feel completely burnt out  . .. the grass always comes back. 
So with that, Have a great week!
(Pop napping under the tree with the sheep)

(Pop and I -- his favorite :))

1 comment:

  1. Love this! Nothing like stories from a grandparent! Enjoy them!

