Thursday, September 22, 2011

10 Day Challenge .. #5

Realized I am totally going backwards .. but o well!

Six Places.. I'm gonna go with my six favorite places .....

Number Six

This is a picture of the valley my grandparents cabin is in.  We spent most summers/breaks/holidays there until we started showing pigs/horses/sheep in middle school.. Lets just say I spent A LOT of time scampering about this valley and the mountains on each side.

Number Five
Indianapolis, Indiana.. National FFA Convention... Need I say more????

I really would like to visit this city without my herd in tow one day.. Maybe Mr. Right can take me there;)

Number Four
 Northern New Mexico.. Spent alot of time here growing up..

Number Three

OK.. In college we girls had a special spot we liked to party at.. and this was usually a girls only drink beer and talk about all the problems our males created in our life kind of party spot.. so really it was more of a get drunk, vent and look at the most awesome view of Las Cruces spot.  Needless to say there was a lot of booze consumed from this look out and a LOT of good red dirt country music played

Number Two

My Backyard

Number One
 ANYWHERE these crazy fools are...

1 comment:

  1. Love this! Here's to finding a Mr. Right to take you to Indianapolis! :)

