Monday, June 25, 2012

Pearls of Wisdom

Pearls of Wisdom...

                          ...from none other than...


Those who know my mom describe her as funny, caring, intelligent, loud and witty (among other things.)

I would describe my mother as:

  • beautiful on the inside and outside
  • loud AND witty
  • hilarious
  • dorky
  • intelligent
  • caring
  • kind
  • wise
  • short (dynamite comes in small packages)
  • strong
So you're getting the picture right? 

I mean who else could raise 3 crazy daughters by herself and come out alive?!

Times of high stress for me ALWAYS involve a trip to sonic.  ALWAYS.  These times also simultaneously involve me calling my mom to _____ (insert: cry, vent, ball hysterically, throw ideas around, ask for advice, etc.)  I don't even plan for it to happen, but inevitably I find myself at some sort of beverage serving establishment trying to pull myself together to speak coherently enough for the disembodied voice to understand that I want a "large dr. pepper."

So, this past Friday I found myself on the phone with my mother and this time at a Starbucks ordering a Grande chocolate chip cookie frappe thing, (which was absolutely AMAZING!!)  

My mom laughed as usual, because I was telling her about life as I know it and ordering an extra sugary, un-healthy beverage.  The topic of this conversation was the death of a friend.  I was upset, but holding it together.  I was telling her how I this friend had barely been married for a year and didn't seem to be living his life on the edge like he used to and suddenly he has a heart attack! What the hell!?  My mom's pearl of wisdom which as usual took me by surprise went something like this: (best if read in a German accent) 

"Well Annie, that's just proof that you shouldn't stop drinking, acting crazy and living life on the edge!  Because you know, only the good die young!  Just proof that getting your life together might end in you dying! Might as well be bad and have fun!" 

So there you have it.. straight from the krout...
             bad because the good die young!

Happy Monday y'all!

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious. And something I can totally hear your mom saying!

